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No library of mountain books will be complete without this new work by the climber Alexander Huber and the writer and journalist of rock faces Willi Schwenkmeier. The setting couldn’t be sheerer: three faces of Lavaredo. The book’s subtitle says it all: “a theatre of the impossible”.

Published by Cda&Vivalda, the book takes the reader up the routes open on the Three Peaks of Lavaredo, on rock faces and arêtes which for over a hundred years have contributed tales of memorable feats to mountain literature.

These are monuments of stone, continually challenging the boldest of climbers to show off their skill. The Three Peaks are not merely a famous massif or just a rock gym, but a real theatre of almost impossible climbing achievements.

The authors

Alexander Huber Born in Trostberg, he is a highly successful mountaineer and rock climber. Two of his greatest achievements have been on the Three Peaks. He considers the high point of his career his solo free climb of the direct route up the north face of Cima Grande.

Willi Schwenkmeier was born in 1951 and was for many years on the editorial committee of the magazine DAV. He has published many articles in mountain journals, in the DAV yearbook and in other books.

Book information

Le tre cime (The Three Peaks)

by Alexander Huber and Willi Schwenkmeier

Published by Cda&Vivalda Editore


162 pages

€ 40,00

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