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June 1944 witnessed one of the most tragic events that the history of the resistance of the Verbano Cusio Ossola knows: the Nazi Fascist combing out in Val Grande. Seventeen thousand dark uniforms start a merciless manhunt: five hundred partisans are in the line of Nazi Fascist fire. Three hundred are killed, among those a part of the civilian population. Of this terrible sequence of the story, some clearly evident traces can be seen today in a route proposed by the “Casa della resistenza di Fondotoce” and the organisation Guide Wilderness. This is the sixth edition of the “Sentiero Chiovini”, which gets underway on Saturday 12th June 2004 from the house of the Resistence of Verbania Fondotoce. This year’s edition sees a renewed route which unravels on the Ossola mountains, of Val Grande, Val Vigezzo and Centovalle Ticinese, with its final destination in the picturesque habitat of Intragna, Swiss lands. The environmental guide Renato Bavagnoli, creator and promoter of the initiative, indicates that during the route, some stages will offer new points of interest, places not crossed in previous editions. In particular, in the area of the Val Grande National park, some parts will require a good level of preparation and some experience. It is, however possible to join the party for just one day of the Chiovini path, and everyone can complete some of the stages with low levels of difficulty. Participation on this trek is free. The only charges for participants are for food provisions and board in the various shelters along the route. This manifestation is animated by a spirit of solidarity and friendship: many stages offer opportunities of celebration with the inhabitants of the villages passed along the walk. *…There are other freedoms that everyone has the right to: freedom from need, from fear, the freedom to be equal in front of the law and to our equals ….(Nino Chiovini.)*

Info and booking:

Guide Renato Bavagnoli – Guide Wilderness

web site


tel. (+39) 347 3312000

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