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DiscoveryAlps alpinismo, una sezione del portale delle Alpi in cui reperire notizie dalle spedizioni da tutto il mondo; novità, tecnica. Inoltre conosciamo insieme i premi dell’alpinismo, gli alpinisti italiani, i personaggi e le curiosità del mondo verticale.

The Monte Rosa Walser Trail

The Monte Rosa Walser Trail

The Walser people of the Aosta Valley used to say “Wacksen di toaga, wackst da vroscht” , which means “The days are lengthening, the cold’s increasing”. It sounds like a saying that suits this time of year. But it won’t be long till spring comes, and then the fine weather of the early summer, just right for the first hiking expeditions in the mountains. And this is exactly what the Walser people used to do, taking their culture over the high routes of the western Italian, Swiss, French, Austrian Alps as they escaped from Germanic persecution

Fiemme Ski Jazz

Fiemme Ski Jazz

For the past six years the Fiemme Ski Jazz Festival has been one of the most eagerly awaited events of the winter, bringing to the Fiemme Valley some of the major artists in international jazz to perform in a unique festival on the snow. Fiemme Ski Jazz offers a week of music and skiing, with daily concerts up in the Alpine huts of the Fiemme Obereggen ski district, and outstanding evening performances and jam sessions in the theatres, halls and pubs down in the valley… integral text

Sea and mountain: an explosive combination!

Sea and mountain: an explosive combination!

“Explosive” might just be the word for a long-standing collaboration between the Monterosaski company and Roberto Vassale, a raider admiral of the Navy, aimed at perfecting a revolutionary system for avalanche control. One of the preventive measures used to protect ski runs from avalanches involves setting off explosives to bring down snow masses or cornices when the runs are closed… integral text

Write a text on the “Road from the Alps to the sea”

Write a text on the “Road from the Alps to the sea”

“On the road”: Kerouac’s novel could inspire you to take part in the literary competition “Una strada per arrivare a Ponente” (A road to the Ligurian coast) organised by ERDE Ltd in collaboration with the association “Wine and Oil Road from the Alps to the Sea”. The road in question is of course not an American highway but the food and wine route at the centre of a complex project for the development of this region… integral text

From Valtellina to Alaska

From Valtellina to Alaska

Not content with his exertions of last year, a race of a mere 600 km across Alaska dragging a sled laden with all the necessities for self-sufficiency in this extreme environment, 24-year-old Alex Bellini, a native of Edolo living in Aprica, is this year to undertake an adventure-race three times as long… integral text

Scialpinismo: Valsesia e Monte Rosa

Scialpinismo: Valsesia e Monte Rosa

Chi vuol vivere la Valsesia a “tuttotondo” da oggi ha un punto di riferimento in più! Si trova in edicola, infatti, “Scialpinismo: Valsesia e Monte Rosa” di Marco Maffeis; fascicolo che assolutamente non può mancare nella biblioteca di un amante della disciplina.

Questa guida, con “Arrampicare in Valsesia” e le “Guide degli itinerari escursionistici” del C.A.I. di Varallo, danno un’immagine precisa di come la nostra valle può, e deve, essere vissuta a 360°.

In the merciless heart of the avalanche

In the merciless heart of the avalanche

On January 14, the newspaper “Il Giornale” published the report of an avalanche in Alpe Devero (Ossola) which overwhelmed a ski-mountaineering party on its way to Alpe Sangiatto. One of the skiers involved in the accident, Lorenzo Scandroglio, experienced ten seconds of blinding white terror, but survived along with his companions. This is Lorenzo’s first hand account of his frightening experience … integral text



Um sich bestens auf die Ski-Weltmeisterschaften in St. Moritz vom 01.-16. Februar 2003 vorbereiten zu können, haben die Herren-Nationalmannschaften von Norwegen und Deutschland beschlossen, Gröden für Ihre letzen Vorbereitungen auszusuchen.

Am Donnerstag, dem 30. Jänner 2003 sowie am Freitag, dem 31. Jänner 2003 trainieren die für die WM nominierten Skirennläufer auf den bestens präparierten Grödner Pisten der Danterceppies, der Saslonch und am Piz Sella.

Am Morgen werden jeweils Trainingsläufe auf der Danterceppies absolviert, während am Nachmittag auf der Saslong und am Piz Sella trainiert wird …integral text



In order to prepare themselves for the Ski-World Championships in St. Moritz from 1 February, 2003 until 16 February 2003, the Men-National Ski Teams of Norway and Germany have chosen Val Gardena for their last trainings.

On Thursday, 30 January 2003 and Friday, 31 January 2003 the racers, which are going to take part in the Ski World Championships, are skiing on the well-prepared slopes of Val Gardena (Danterceppies, Saslonch and Piz Sella).

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